Celebrate with us!

Four ways to celebrate!

We know many of you are far away, and we don’t expect anyone to travel. Pick whichever forms of celebration work best for you!


From Afar: Leave Us a Message! 🥰

Can't join us in person? No problem! Leave us a voice message to pass along your wisdom or well-wishes.

-Call: 313-513-8778
-To leave a voice recording for baby, press 1 or say "baby"
-To leave a voice recording for Mike & Galia, press 2 or say "parents"
-If you need to hear the menu again, you can press 3 or say "repeat"

After you leave a message, we will get a notification and get a copy of the recording. We will save them to play for the baby, and listen for your words of wisdom, love, or encouragement!

Your note will be totally private! Only Mike, Galia, and baby will ever hear it (unless you want to share it yourself!). So feel free to say anything you’d like to say.

Sample prompts for inspiration:

• Any messages of love or well-wishes!
• What’s something you learned about yourself or the world from being a parent?
• How has your identity changed since becoming a parent? (How did it change the way you see yourself? How did it change how other people see you?)
• What do you wish you’d known before becoming a parent?
• What would have helped your transition into parenting? Or your experience of parenting in general
• How has being a parent been most meaningful to you?
• What would you like Mike, Galia, and/or baby to know?
• What life lesson would you like baby to know, believe, or experience?
• Do you have advice about bringing and keeping joy, laughter, fulfillment, health, or growth to our family?

If you'd rather send us a written or video message, we'd also love that! You can send those to us directly.

In Person: Backyard Celebration 🥂

Join us in-person for a casual, co-ed hangout. Partners and kids welcome!

• Saturday, September 28, 2024
• 3-5 p.m.
• 221 W Lincoln St, Findlay OH (Doug and Gwen's backyard!)

Food and non-alcoholic drinks provided. Please bring your own lawn chair, and BYOBooze if you want it! There will be no baby games or gift opening, but there will be lawn games (weather permitting) and some thank-yous! Dress code casual and for the weather.

Please RSVP your YES by Friday, Sept. 20 so we can plan enough food and seating. (No need to RSVP if you're not able to make it.)

RSVP your "yes" here: https://forms.gle/eH7XUMLPgjfxBd4a7

Baby Lottery: Place Your Bets! 📆

Have a hunch on the date or time of birth? (Due date is November 30.)

Contribute $5 a guess to the Baby Pool. Winner gets half the earnings (and the other half will go to baby expenses)!

Participate by sending your contribution to the Baby Lottery fund on our registry. After you send your contribution, you'll be sent the link to place your bet.

If you don't hear from us within a day or two of sending your contribution, feel free to follow up with us directly to check in!

Registry: 🎁

No gifts or contributions expected! But if you'd like to share your love by sharing some (much-appreciated!) generosity, you can find the registry here:


We'd especially love to receive books that were special to you as a kid of any age, to build our baby's library. Pre-loved or bookshop.org encouraged! A book wishlist is also available on the registry for inspiration.