RV Overwhelm
We've got a couple weeks to go, and we're still busy to the point of exhaustion. We decided to pick a day to spend down at the RV to measure, clean, shop, and prep, so I blocked off my calendar and we drove the hour there. And then we realized that neither of us remembered to bring the keys, so we got to drive all the way home and come back the next day instead!
We measured every inch of the place and were perplexed and frustrated that basically no two cabinets in the entire place are the same shape and size. Cabinets that look square or rectangular end up having an angle or a cutout or something that creates unusable space, which is frustrating when space is your main concern. Other cabinets are just so weird shaped that we can't find organization tools that would even fit in there. I don't know how such a strangely-designed thing comes to be, but we'll make do with what we have!
After measuring everything, we headed to the store to try to get as many useful containers and gadgets as we could find. We were promptly confronted by another frustrating reality: we can't know what organizational containers to buy until we know what stuff we're bringing and where we're putting it. We won't know what we can bring and where to put it until we have a sense of the organizational space available. It's a chicken and RV egg problem that made the day feel pretty overwhelming, but we're trying to take things a little at a time and do what we can with what we know. One thing I know for sure: no matter how much we prep and plan, we are guaranteed to bring a ton of stuff we don't actually need, and will have to buy a ton of stuff we didn't bring with us. Might as well not worry about it too much now, then!
We took that day as an opportunity to put our brand new RV cover on for the first time. I wish I had taken a time lapse, so we could run it in fast forward with clown music playing. Short version of lesson learned: there is no benefit that this cover could confer that would make that comical misery worthwhile. RIP, RV cover.
Also, why are there so many slippers to choose from? Who needs this much of a slipper selection?
We've gone down to the RV a couple of times since we put the cover on, and the chicken/egg problem persists. Meanwhile, at home, packing up is also more stressful than we anticipated. It's not just like a normal move, where your only decision is keep vs don't. For each item, it's: do we bring this with us, or store it? If we store it, is it worth storing, or would it be cheaper in the long run to just get rid of it and buy another one when we get back? If we have too much stuff to store, we'll have to pay for a bigger storage space; but if we have the space, we might as well keep this thing.... If we get rid of it, do we trash it, recycle it, give it away, sell it? And in each of those situations, to where, whom, or how? And then, do that process a thousand times in a row for every single thing in the house. The decision fatigue alone is a lot to handle.
But we've been able to spend some good quality time with most of our closest friends, which gives me warm fuzzies. It does, of course, also make me sad. It's pretty strange saying goodbye and not knowing when you'll see this person again, and when it's one of your favorite people, it's hard to think about. Mike's also turned into quite the salesman... Any time someone comes over, they're forced to endure a tour of our stuff, and inevitably walk out with something we had convinced them to take. It's also nice to know that some of our things will stay in the family, though, as it were!